A southern gentleman with a bit of a wild side, Bill has lived in Houston, Texas for three years now, having moved there to be closer to his parents. Yes, he drives a white Ford F-150, and he's proud of it. Bill graduated from the University of Tennessee with a B.A. in Geography with a commission as a U.S. Army Officer in Field Artillery. Since then, Bill's led a long, successful career in Sales, having worked in both the alcoholic beverage, firearms, and tobacco industries — completing what he calls the trifecta of ATF. That experience has already proven invaluable in his responsibilities as our South Territory Manager — partnering with retailers all over the Midwest to find solutions to retail problems and build a strong brand presence through our innovative range of products and services. He's also a long-time competition shooter and a Certified NRA instructor for Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun classes. When he's not selling or shooting a competition, he enjoys spending time with his lovely wife Allison (his Southern Belle), watching college football, and relaxing with his four dogs.