Forgive the cliche', but Adam's passion for pipes definitely goes to 11. And you realize that when you ask him a question about pipe bits and his twenty minute answer doesn't include a comma or a breath. Adam's duties here include, but are not limited to, inspecting new and estate pipes for drilling, fit and finish, construction, and cosmetic issues, writing condition statements, and evaluating most of the estate pipes that end up at SPC. He also manages the entire restoration process, which means he spends a lot of time thinking about and then implementing exciting new ways to improve the cleaning of old pipes. Adam is also a celebrated pipe maker, creating and crafting some of our more sought after pipes. He is an industrial design graduate of Purdue University, and has designed pieces such as office products, furniture and cars. Adam's future in pipes was cemented when, as a young child, he refused to watch Frosty the Snowman because he couldn't fathom why a snowman with a magic hat would choose a corncob pipe over a patent sandblast.