Smokingpipes Goes European
December 16, 2016 by Adam O'Neill
Customer service is the keystone of our business, so when we started receiving inquiries from European customers about the possibility of a Smokingpipes website in their own languages, with quicker European shipping, we took notice, and for the past two years have been working to establish a European branch.
Today, we're pleased to announce that those efforts are reaching fruition. In June, we will open an office in Dublin to bring our favorite pipes (new and estate), as well as a range of pipe smoking accessories, to a European audience. A unique, multilingual website will launch in late summer, complete with all the features expected from
We've explored numerous questions regarding the new branch, two of the primary being, "Will we sell tobacco?" and, "Where will the office be located?" On the former, the answer is no, because European tobacco regulations make doing so impracticable. On the latter, we considered a number of options where we had deep relationships with suppliers, finally settling on Dublin. Dublin is easily accessible from the US and Europe, simplifying travel between our offices and visits to pipemakers and other vendors on the continent.
There is much to prepare. In early June, a few folks from our South Carolina offices will transfer to new digs in Dublin. The indomitable Adam O'Neill, social media guru and photographer extraordinaire, his wife Chana, pipe whisperer and keeper of the tome of merchandising and shipping secrets, and I will relocate to prepare the European branch. We'll be joined by several European hires who, among other roles, will provide customer service in major European languages and generate translations for web content.
We're excited about the future, for ourselves, the company, and the pipe smoking community. We anticipate that Smokingpipes Europe will provide plentiful opportunities to better know our friends in Europe and that the new site will, of course, fulfill a growing need for plenty of fresh pipes and accessories.